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Home » Posts tagged with » Self Defense (Page 51)

The Best Defense: Flash Mobs

The Best Defense: Flash Mobs

Modern technology helps us mobilize a gathering for dinner or other social events. The bad guys have the same capabilities but where mayhem might the goal. Flash mobs can cause…

Down Range Radio #256: Concealed Carry for Gun Culture 2.0

Down Range Radio #256: Concealed Carry for Gun Culture 2.0

This week, Michael reports from the road and gives you updates on the productions of Shooting Gallery, The Best Defense and the new show Rapid Fire. He also touches on…

Stupid Disputes

Stupid Disputes

If you spend any time around handgun shooters, whether at a training course, the gun club, on a gun forum or just standing around a gun store, controversies will arise…

The NESS Brothers

The NESS Brothers

I have been studying armed conflict my entire life. After sitting down in 1976 with a veteran of the trench warfare of WWI, I became hooked on speaking with everyone…

DRTV Weekly: Myths and Techniques on Self Defense

DRTV Weekly: Myths and Techniques on Self Defense

Michael Bane and Michael Janich talk about myths and techniques on Self Defense. The full spectrum of self defense situations goes from being pushed around in a bar and all…

Best Defense: Limited Mobility

Best Defense: Limited Mobility

This week on The Best Defense, we’re discussing techniques to utilize when you are faced with limited mobility, whether it’s a wheelchair or walking cane. The Best Defense #31 (Episode…

Down Range Radio #205: Compromising on gun choices

Down Range Radio #205: Compromising on gun choices

In a specific and limited scenario where you actually know you will have to defend yourself with the use of handguns, what will you choose to take with you and…

Armed Response: Gripping Your Handgun

Armed Response: Gripping Your Handgun

Accessing your handgun in the proper way will solve some of the problems we experience in different situations. In real life scenarios the hand doesn’t always start from a fixed…

Armed Response: Don’t Aim for the Upper Chest

Armed Response: Don’t Aim for the Upper Chest

Aiming for the Upper Chest or Central Mass results in effective shot placement. This is a reasonable theory if no one is moving. In a real life self defense situation,…

Armed Response: Don’t Shoot Small Groups

Armed Response: Don’t Shoot Small Groups

Shooting small groups is nice on the range. An effective shooter in a self defense situation, has to consider and find the balance between speed and accuracy. This series is…