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Queen Kim!

My most sincere congratulations to my friend Kim Rhode for taking the gold medal in Women’s Skeet in London, the very first America to medal in five consecutive Olympics! Oh yeah, she also set an Olympic record with 99 out of 100 clays and matched the current world record.
I simply cannot convey to you what a staggering accomplishment that is…when the Olympics canceled Kim’s sport, double trap a few years back, she simply switched to skeet. This is akin to a pursuit cyclist being forced to change to mountain biking…yes, they both involve pedaling, but there’s a whole different skillset to be mastered.
But master it she did, taking the silver in Beijing and now the gold.
Kim is the stuff of legends, and I’m so happy and proud for her and her wonderful family. Heck, every American should stand up and cheer!

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