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Potterfields Donate $110,000 to Missouri Junior Trapshooters

Larry and Brenda Potterfield of MidwayUSA recently donated $110,000 to the Foundation for the Junior Trapshooters of Missouri, Inc.  The Potterfields donated $100,000 directly to the Foundation, matched a $10,000 gift from the Missouri Trapshooters Association and agreed to match a $10,000 gift from the association each year through 2015.

“Thanks to generous support from people like Larry and Brenda Potterfield, the Foundation for the Junior Trapshooters will continue to serve as a youth shooting program for Missouri,” says William Fienup, Foundation President. “These donations from the Potterfields and MidwayUSA will help us accomplish our vision of developing young trapshooters, the future of our sport.”

Established in 1967, the Foundation for the Junior Trapshooters of Missouri was created to fund instruction and training of trapshooting to Missouri youth and also assists with shooting supplies and safety training. The Foundation is associated with the Missouri Trapshooters Association in Linn Creek, MO, where hundreds of young Missourians experience and learn the sport of trapshooting each year.

Larry Potterfield, Founder and CEO of MidwayUSA remarked, “Brenda and I are excited to support young trapshooters. This organization, in our home state, is focused on developing tomorrow’s shooters today. Changing the future requires us to make the commitment in time and money to support these efforts. We’re pleased we can help.”

For more information about the Potterfields or MidwayUSA, please visit www.midwayusa.com or call

For more information about the Foundation for the Junior Trap Shooters of Missouri or the Missouri Trapshooters Association, please visit www.motraps.com.

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