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Michael Janich Martial Blade Concepts Seminar – 24-25 July 2010, Lexington, TN

In this two-day seminar, Michael Janich will present comprehensive instruction in the fundamental skills of MBC’s standard and reverse-grip systems of knife tactics and reveal the relationship between MBC’s reverse-grip system and the practical use of improvised weapons.
This course will provide step-by-step instruction in the fundamental skills of using a knife as a defensive weapon, including knife carry, high-speed deployment, recognition and identification of common street attacks, defensive responses, anatomical targeting, and the realities of knife stopping power. It will also include detailed instruction in MBC’s close-quarters reverse-grip system and show you how to adapt reverse-grip skills to a variety of improvised weapons, including kubotans, pens, and tactical flashlights. Janichís instruction will also explore the use of the tactical light as a force multiplier and transitions from improvised weapons to a handgun or other purpose-designed weapon.
This course will be conducted at the Big Country Outdoors Store, Lexington, TN. Registration and tuition information are available from seminar organizer Jason Shelby. Please contact him directly at outdoorsbigcountry@yahoo.com or call 731-614-5561. Space is limited.

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