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Michael Bane and John Lott address gun free zones at Army Bases

John Lott gives us some straight facts about the shooting at Fort Hood:

Mandy Foster’s husband had been shot but was fortunate enough not to be seriously injured. In an interview on CNN on Monday night, Mrs. Foster was asked by anchor John Roberts how she felt about her husband “still scheduled for deployment in January” to Afghanistan. Ms. Foster responded: “At least he’s safe there and he can fire back, right?” — It is hard to believe that we don’t trust soldiers with guns on an army base when we trust these very same men in Iraq and Afghanistan. Unfortunately, most of CNN’s listeners probably didn’t understand the rules that Ms. Foster was referring to.”

Read the entire article here….

This week on Down Range Radio, Michael Bane addresses the same topic and also delves into the whole concept of “active shooter,” what it means to the armed civilian and what civilian training for such events might look like…

Listen here…

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