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Important New DVDs that Answer the “Why?” Questions about Tactical Training!

Two new additions to the Personal Firearms Defense Video Series:The Body’s Natural Reactions” and “Lessons from the Street”  go a long way to answering incredibly important Why? Questions that often get asked about the techniques and methods that we teach in the Combat Focus® Shooting program or about what people should be training in general.

In case you are not familiar with this training series, since 2006, we have taped an average of 10-12 DVDs per year for the Personal Firearms Defense DVD Series. These videos are primarily distributed directly through our Branding Partners, including The National Rifle Association and The Second Amendment Foundation. Many clips from the series are available for free online at the Personal Defense Network website as well. To date, almost 50 DVDs have been released covering topics from the fundamentals of defensive pistol shooting to setting up an electronic alarm system. While I am the primary instructor on most of the DVDs, many top names in the industry such as Mike Janich, John Chapman, Mike Seeklander and Tony Blauer have been guests in the series. In addition to the core handgun related content, the series now has branches dealing with long guns, non-firearms defense and home security. To date, we have shipped over 3 MILLION DVDs!

I usually don’t take up blog space with announcements about every new title that comes out, but this month we have two additions that are really important and worth talking about. The first is “Lessons from the Street” featuring Tom Givens of Range Master. Tom has been teaching defensive firearms, and evolving his program based on empirical evidence from his student’s real world experiences for a couple of decades. The information that he shares on this DVD is an overview of 10 real incidents that are a fair sample of the scores of incidents that his students have been in and survived! Tom reviews the details and draws some conclusions that will help you figure out WHY you should be training in very specific ways to be ready for your most likely (and other plausible) defensive situations.

The second DVD that will help you understand how to get the most out of your limited training resources (time, budget, ammunition, range access, etc.) is “The Body’s Natural Reactions“. This DVD is the first time that I have presented this information this thoroughly outside of Instructor Development Courses. In the CFS Program, we develop our curriculum and training methods with these six most important natural reactions in mind. This DVD features an explanation of exactly how your brain enacts this phenomena  and then goes into detail about the physiology, natural world survival positive and the effect on our training for all six reactions: Lowering our Center of Gravity, Orienting Towards the Threat, Moving our Hands to Protect, Increase in Visual Acuity in the Center of Our Field of Vision, Distortion in the Perception of Time and a Decrease in Blood-flow to our Extremities. I have spent more than a decade studying, learning and finding the best ways to explain the information on this video!

If you are serious about your training and not willing to blindly follow the advice of an instructor without understand the facts and observations that underly the methods you choose, then both of these DVDs are for you!  If you are already receiving the PFD DVD Series, you can look forward to the arrival of these titles….if not, visit the I.C.E. Online Store to get your copies.


You can also check out several other new releases this month (including Combat Focus® Carbine and Fundamentals of Defensive Striking) and the entire series while you are at the store!

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