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I.C.E. Training Update & Dry Reps article…

As promised, I posted a Newsletter today with a bit of an update about some of what’s been going on with I.C.E. !

Also, there is an article about some of the problems that can be caused by Dry Repetition. Here is the beginning:

Dry Reps can lead to Poor Performance.
Too often, we see students who have been practicing without the accountability of firing a shot, rushing their actions and failing on the range.
by Rob Pincus

I can remember when just about everyone you talked to, in a gun shop or on the internet, was repeating clichéd lines in regard to the incredible importance of dry fire practice. “Dry fire 1000 times for every live round you shoot” used to be a common thought in the firearms training world. Nowadays, most people have figured out that over-thinking and over-choreographing the single trigger press without recoil and without the accountability of a result is only a valid training method for extreme marksmanship pursuits like Bull’s Eye pistol shooting or extreme precision rifle endeavors. The importance of rapid multiple shot strings of fire in regard to stopping a threat is pretty much universally accepted and the old days of over emphasized “follow through” and controlling your breathing while pulling the trigger on a defensive gun are pretty well behind us.”

Read the rest of this article, and more at the latest I.C.E. Training Update!

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