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Everybody Needs Somebody To Love

I am really proud of this weeks podcast because it is the sum of who I am and what I have tried to accomplish.  I didn’t do anything fabulous but I had a good time being me.  What the show is, is an example of what I have always wanted to do.  There is not a lot of talk about guns this week on my show but everything else that makes firearms ownership worthwhile.

This show demonstrates my creativity as a media producer and nerve to do what I thought was fun.  This is from a guy with two jobs with a desire to break out into his own business as a voice over artist, television or talk show host, warts and all. You’ll hear some commercials I did and my own little comedy bits.   I have been known to flub a word here and there but the passion is there.  I changed up the usual theme and incorporated one from a Solomon Burke/Wilson Pickett/ Blues Brothers song –“Everybody Needs Somebody.”  If the podcast was visual you would have seen the smiles I had singing it.  I realized too that I am not a real singer but the enthusiasm was real and that made up for it all.

I got the chance to interview someone known more for his music than gun rights but it fit.  The headliner for the Second Amendment March, Lucas Hoge (www.lucashoge.com ) was a great guest on the show.  Mr. Hoge is a budding country singer that is supporting the Wounded Warrior Project and the Second Amendment with donations from sales of a song he wrote.  I sampled one of them on this show so you will want to support him. What I found in talking to him was that I had made a new friend.  That was a blessing.

I hope soon that there is a project in need of an eclectic host, voice or person that looks like me and talks like me that I can apply to.  “Until my ship comes in”, take a listen to episode 163 of The Urban Shooter Podcast by Kenn Blanchard.  It is ok to sing along, dance crazily or smile if the mood hits you.  You’ll also hear the BlackManWithAGun.com sharing his comedic wisdom on “How to tell your wife about your love for guns,” in hopes it gets you in favor with your significant other.   I also give you a status on what happened to “Zombie Strike,” the narrative story heard on his show.  I try to remind the fellas that Mothers Day is coming on May 9th, in case they weren’t aware of it.  I quote President Theodore Roosevelt to motivate all of us that work in the trenches, to do the right thing.

The show is now available on www.windowstoliberty.com internet radio network.  It’s all about love this week.  So show some love to The Urban Shooter Podcast and tell people about it.  It’s free.

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