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Why is there a powder shortage and when will it end?

This is from a press release written by Chris Hodgdon: Why is there a powder shortage and when will it end? The answer is really quite simple. In November 2008…

U.S. Customs is Targeting YOUR Knife Rights! Stop Them NOW!

U.S. Customs is trying to revoke several letters of exception that have allowed assisted-opening knives to be imported. In doing so, they are also trying to re-write the definition of…



The new Wilcon Combat 1911 is here. This spring, Wilcon Combat invited us all to suggest the name of their new Polymer 1911. It now has a name – SPEC-OPS9.…

Michael Bane films at TEEX

Michael Bane films at TEEX

This week, the Best Defense crew spent time at TEEX (Texas Engineering Extension Service) to film portions of the upcoming The Best Defense: Survival. The series will focus on how…

Pics from the Euro Steel Challenge

Pics from the Euro Steel Challenge

Our friend Mike, otherwise known as the blogger, Mr. Completely, traveled across the Atlantic to take his famed “crouching tiger, hidden speed demon” shooting style – you have to see…


This from CCRKBA: BELLEVUE, WA – Failing to get traction for his anti-gun agenda in Congress, Barack Obama is trying instead to stack the federal courts with liberal anti-gunners, the…

Rob Pincus on Gun Nuts Radio: Available for Download!

Rob Pincus on Gun Nuts Radio: Available for Download!

On Tuesday, May 26th, I was a guest on Gun Nuts Radio. From their website:     “Tonight on Gun Nuts Radio: Rob Pincus If your primary reason for owning…

Yamil’s Pics from Bianchi

Yamil’s Pics from Bianchi

Yamil Sued of HotGunSHots.com was on hand at the Bianchi Cup this week and sent over these pics. Yamil shoots (photographs) for Smith & Wesson and got some great shots…

More on the TX-50 – the auto-indexing .50 caliber reloader.

It started with the challenge of increasing their own production of .50 caliber ammo and ended up with a progressive reloading press for the civilian market. Michael talks with Richard…

The surprise from Ruger – the SR-556

It wasn’t exactly a Ruger 1911 as many guessed prior to the NRA show, but another option for the fan of the AR Platform. We had the first look at…