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Back in the game….

Back in the game….

Some times it takes a good friend to realize that there is always time for something extra to do. Like writing a blog or a column… I fought it at…

I got to use my AK, I have to say it was a good day.

I got to use my AK, I have to say it was a good day.

Since The Best Defense: Survival started airing, we’ve had more than a couple of people ask why we’ve been featuring the AR family of rifles so much when there are…

Smoke Signals from Gunsite

High summer is upon us here at Gunsite, meaning we’re experiencing warm summer days interrupted by afternoon and evening showers and thunderstorms.  From our vantage point on the ranch we…

Live Blog – The Best Defense Survival, episode 5

The Best Defense: Survival!…

Customer Appreciation Range Days

Customer Appreciation Range Days

This weekend, I was graciously invited by Stonewall Arms to participate in their Customer Appreciation Range Day held outside of Winchester, VA. Stonewall Arms has held this annual event for…

Congratulations to 9 New Combat Focus Shooting Instructors!

Congratulations to 9 New Combat Focus Shooting Instructors!

Last week, I ran the first Four Day version of the Combat Focus Shooting Instructor Development Course. The CFSID course has been available to those interested in teaching the program…

U.S. Customs is Targeting YOUR Knife Rights! Stop Them NOW!

U.S. Customs is trying to revoke several letters of exception that have allowed assisted-opening knives to be imported. In doing so, they are also trying to re-write the definition of…


This from CCRKBA: BELLEVUE, WA – Failing to get traction for his anti-gun agenda in Congress, Barack Obama is trying instead to stack the federal courts with liberal anti-gunners, the…

Rob Pincus on Gun Nuts Radio: Available for Download!

Rob Pincus on Gun Nuts Radio: Available for Download!

On Tuesday, May 26th, I was a guest on Gun Nuts Radio. From their website:     “Tonight on Gun Nuts Radio: Rob Pincus If your primary reason for owning…

Rangemaster Tactical Conference, 2009.

Rangemaster Tactical Conference, 2009.

For over a decade, Tom Givens and his Rangemaster staff have run what is one of the greatest training and networking events in the United States. This was one of…